Why Choosing Carter Periodontics & Implant Dentistry is the Best Choice!
A picture is worth a thousand words. When a thousand words are on the line, you want your photo finish to shine through; your smile can make all the difference. Carter Periodontics & Implant Dentistry is one of the leading providers of dental implants and gum surgery in Tennesee. Our expertise in dental health by our trusted Clarksville TN dentist began as a passion for making our clients feel better and look amazing. Let our passion and expertise work for you.
Not only are we the premier dentists of Clarksville, Tennessee, our practice also extends to many aspects of dental surgery. As an experienced and trusted Clarksville TN dentist, we are very concerned about periodontal disease, often referred to as “gum disease”, which affects the structures that support teeth. If left untreated, periodontal disease can lead to destruction of gums and bone, eventually causing teeth to loosen and fall out. If teeth cannot be salvaged, we turn to extractions. We utilize bone grafting to replace missing teeth, prevent a hollow look from missing bone and help overall dental health. In addition we provide oral cancer screenings in Tennessee. Gum grafting is procedure used to cover exposed tooth root surface and prevent sensitivity. Sometimes a crown or filling will fall out as a result of not enough tooth surfaces. In order to reattach the crown we implement crown lengthening. All of our fully experienced staff is extensively trained to successfully complete each of these procedures with the best care available.
Our Tennessee periodontics team of experts is trained with the most modern technology available so you can make sure that you are receiving the most knowledgeable care around. We can help you smile more with less pain, less embarrassment, and less cost to you. We are aligned with many of today’s most popular insurance companies and provide easy financing plans and options.